Fairy Tail - Episode 164 - Kagura versus Yukino Jan 12th 2013, 03:00  The last battle of the second day pits Kagura, Mermaid Heel's strongest wizard against Yukino, a young Celestial Spirit Wizard on Sabertooth's side. They bet with their lives and Yukino threatens to make good on it when she opens the unknown 13th Gate!
| Creative Spotlight: Episode #191 – Aaron Choe Jan 11th 2013, 00:04  Aaron Choe is a Korean-American photographer and filmmaker who moved to Seoul from San Francisco 4 years ago. Currently, he's working on an upcoming photo exhibition and a documentary about Korean food culture. We were fortunate enough to capture a few moments of his time to pick his brain! Read below for the full interview… You created a series of black and white photographs entitled 'One'. Is B&W the best way to expose the most important visual elements of a photograph? Aaron: Well, there was a time when serious photographers, critics, and I guess people in the art world thought real artistic photography had to be shot in B+W but ever since William Eggleston everything kind of changed right? I personally don’t shoot as much B+W because it’s just more expensive here in Korea but I do love the experience. Although, I remember when I was in photo school and we all started with black and white film and then in Photo 2, we started printing in color and going from printing in B+W where you’re just focused on two things: the highlights and the shadows, and then printing in color where you learn to be really sensitive about all colors, that’s when I started to appreciate color photography more and I guess I never really looked back after that.  Going back to your days as a novice, how did you end up deciding what you wanted to pursue and what kind of photographer you wanted to be? Aaron: I always wanted to take pictures and I always wanted a camera but when you’re young you can’t really afford to have expensive hobbies. I bought my first camera, when I was around 20 because I wanted to become a cinematographer and I thought it could be a good way to train my eye. At the time, my friend was the manager of the store Giant Robot in San Francisco and they had the Japanese photographer Hiromix’s book and I got really into how simple her photos were. Photography can be a bit daunting when you haven’t tried it and seeing her work made me think “Ah I could do that too.” I started out shooting pictures of my friends and just carried a camera around with me all the time and I still do that but now working on my commercial stuff, which can be really stressful, honestly I think perhaps out of laziness or something but I’d rather just keep taking candid shots for my own work rather than something that take’s a lot of time to shoot. I don’t have any problem though with spending a lot of time on planning, it’s just that when I do take a picture of something, I’d like to not kill the moment by pressing the shutter over and over again. I see certain themes in your landscape work (of damaged areas), such as loneliness and tranquility…maybe even sadness. Why are you drawn to exploring these ideas? Aaron: That’s an interesting observation. I think a lot of my photography comes from a positive place in my heart although I do love listening to sad music and watching sad movies because for some odd reason they make me feel happy. The goal of a lot of photographers, is to convey how they see something, and as a result a successful photo will also carry over the emotion that they were feeling as well I think. For example, I really like the photographer Ume Kayo’s work and when I see her photos I can tell she’s a fun person to hang out with since a lot of the time I laugh out loud when I see her work. Her stuff’s intentionally supposedly to be funny, I’m not just laughing at someone’s photos for no reason by the way.  What cameras and film do you use? Why do you prefer using film to digital? Aaron: I use whatever I need for the job. For street photography, whatever’s quick and easy to carry is always nice. Rangefinders and point and shoot cameras over SLR’s usually for me but I do love my Hasselblad 500 c/m, as heavy as it is. My first camera was the Contax T2 and it already died unfortunately but I bought a new one and love it. I’ve heard from other photographer’s that they like other camera’s over that one but I’m attached to it. I don’t really prefer film to digital. In this day and age, digital can be just as good but film is what I started working with and luckily in Korea developing is still cheap so it doesn’t hurt the bank too much. If I had the money right now, I’d buy a digital camera and I do use them for work when I have to. How has California influenced your work? And as a Korean bred creative, does that have any impact on your work as well? Aaron: The people that I met who were into photography from California influenced me because I had the great opportunity to meet a lot of photographers. In San Francisco, the zine “Hamburger Eyes” was pretty popular and I remember thinking just how crazy the photos were and if I could ever get some of my work in there. I still haven’t but now I think that my style is a bit too different and more Asian than American. I take pictures of the people and places in my life and living in Korea now, that’s just what a lot of my photos are about. I think Japanese photographer’s have influenced me the most and one day I’d like to live there and work, if I can, as a photographer. What are some of your favorite Asian films and/or anime? Aaron: I love Wong Kar Wai’s movies but only the ones that he did with Christopher Doyle and William Chang but these days I wonder if watching really romantic movies like that is really good for me (haha.) I loved “Tokyo Sonata” and watched that a few times and recently I saw “Kiseki” which I thought was wonderful. Anime, I haven’t watched for a while but I watched Akira for the first time last month and was pretty blown away by it.  I saw you gave out a really great recipe for banana bread and now you're dipping your feet in a food documentary. What about this subject that gets your passionate? Aaron: I like eating! I don’t really like calling myself a foodie. I’m just Asian and I got to grow up around excellent food. My grandmother, my mother, and my aunt are all fantastic cooks and when I cook I’m always chasing those incredible food and flavor memories I had, when I used to eat there food. I’ve been living on my own for a while now and I cook a lot but sometimes I wish that someone would cook for me. My grandmother’s food was the best, she was the first woman in Korea with a cooking license and I brag about that a lot. It’s been around 10 years since she’s passed away now but if she were alive right now, this sounds bad, but I wish I could eat her food. Like that scene in “Tampopo,” where the mother on her death bed dies but seconds later she miraculously comes back to life to cook one last meal for her husband and children and as they’re both crying and eating they say their final farewells. It sounds pretty sad but I could definitely relate to that scene. Anyways, there aren’t a lot of things in world that make me happier than eating so I try and incorporate that into my work. Food is fun for me. You've done some extensive travelling and spent some time in Japan. Could you touch slighItly on the type of food culture comparisons between Korea and Japan and why this particular doc will be interesting to an audience? Aaron: Korean food and Japanese food are both phenomenal but what I appreciate about Japanese food, which I wish I saw more in Korean cuisine, is the amount of care that goes into something. All the little steps, like making a miso soup for example. How you cut the potatoes, so that they don’t break apart while boiling, or turning the heat off when you add miso, greatly effects the taste in the end. Or when you see a family that’s been making the best miso paste for generations, that kind of stuff, I wish I saw more of in Korea. It’s changing a lot though. 60 years ago, Korea was dirt poor and they had no choice but to make due with what they had but now you see a lot of artisan’s out there. I love though, how Korean food isn’t pretentious and the best meals are often super cheap and really satisfying. Where is your photography going? What future photographic projects are you excited about? Aaron: In 2013, I’d like to exhibit in Japan and finally make my first photo book to be sold internationally. I’m really bad at promoting myself and I’d love to show the world my pictures.  Lastly, any advice to any photographers out there? Aaron: Be yourself. Every photographer should have their own personality and approach which is difficult but in the end that’s the best way direction to go I think. Want to stay updated on all Aaron’s works? Follow his cookie crumb trail below: http://www.aaronchoe.com/ aaronchoe.tumblr.com www.flickr.com/aaronchoe | Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl – Review Jan 11th 2013, 00:02   Great news anime fans. NIS America presents Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl Complete Series Premium Edition which is now shipping across North America! The anime is produced by the animation studio SHAFT (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) and is directed by Akiyuki Simbo (Arakawa Under the Bridge). The series follows Makoto Niwa, who just moved to the city to live with his aunt Meme after his parents who were reassigned to work overseas. He is perfectly fine with that, saying it will give him the chance to live the dream life of an adolescent boy. He keeps track of the things he does by assigning "points" to them—positive or negative—and adds them up on a regular basis to grade his adolescent life. And then he discovers Meme has a secret daughter (and self-proclaimed alien) named Erio. He finds her rolling around by the front door of Meme's house wrapped up in a futon. It is then he realizes that his dream adolescent life will not come true, and begins a life of experiences that are out of this world. The story is certainly full of characters who hold odd believes and act strangely, the chief among them being Makoto's cousin Towa, who is the main focus of the narrative. The ending is… inconclusive, but definitely climatic enough. I didn’t expect a conclusive ending, since there are still light novels left to adapt, so I’m perfectly happy with the 13th episode. I really, really hope that the whole story will be adapted to anime. I want more of this, I want to see more of these quirky characters, I want more scenes that make me tear up, and I want a fulfilling conclusion to the romance – even at the risk that it’s not my favorite girl who wins. The animation was glorious, which says a lot because I normally don’t notice the animation of shows much. The girls all had adorable designs and the art style was very suitable for the show.  To me it seems this anime's main appeal comes from Erio's cute helplessness and moe behavior. A varied cast of strange yet interesting characters; A girl that lives in a rolled up futon, a mother that completely ignores it, a classmate that loves fruit, and another that wanders in cosplay at night. Yes, a girl in a futon — that’s crazy! The writers give you the ‘here’ and ‘now’ by using a fairly simplistic plot, but create the dissonance that makes a story good by keeping you guessing about how we got ‘here’ and ‘now’. So although the story is slightly simplistic, it is at the same time hard hitting and very enjoyable. So in short, this anime ranks with the best I’ve seen of the year. At the moment I’m unable to objectively say which place it takes in my top 10, but it’s in there, that much is certain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpvBDeITZ8I Not a single one of our main cast is a placeholder that could be replaced without fundamentally changing the story to its very core. For me, this is what is important in a story. These people are not shallow archetypes but real three dimensional characters! So to wrap up the narrative components, the last thing I’d like to touch upon is the procedural style of the relationships which give the show a dating sim adaptation feeling but the relationships themselves are more subtle and playful. It’s mainly a slice of life story, so I can’t say there’s much plot, but there’s plenty of development in characters alone.  | Persona 4: Collection 2 – Review Jan 10th 2013, 00:04   I like how Sentai didn’t go with a random promo picture for the series and instead went with something more original. That’s what I usually like about their releases. Well, that and the fact that they’re incredibly fast with dubbing, much more so than Funimation. The mystery of the murders seems to have been solved, but the riddle of the Velvet Room and the lethal Midnight Channel is an enigma that Yu and the other students who form the Investigation Team still have to crack. And that’s to say nothing of the question of how their powers of Persona work in the first place, and how the fictional Teddie can exist in the real world. As conundrums wrap in conundrums, and the school year burns inexorably towards a blistering summer, the team must prepare for the most deadly challenge yet while still pretending to lead normal high school lives. But that won’t be easy under the evil eye of their new homeroom teacher. And when Detective Shirogane reenters the game with new information about irregularities in the police investigation and clues that may lead to an entirely different conclusion; both team and detective find themselves playing the role of prey once more! Collection 2 is the great conclusion to an already stellar series of episodes. The anime actually does a nice job of getting the game's story across early on, but I won't go into too much detail in case anyone reading hasn't had the opportunity to play the game or watch the anime yet. Many people were complaining about how Collection 1 was handled in terms of the language track. Sadly, there is just English dub available, not the fault of Sentai though. The Blu-ray presentation on par with the Collection 1. The animation looks just as vibrant and sharp with each 1080p transfer on the episodes. Oh yes, and what I said about rarely watching stuff dubbed? Yeah; I actually LIKE the anime dub. I really enjoy the new voice actors they got.  Unfortunately unlike the episodes, there is not much in special features department. It seems at odds with the dramatic tension in the story and mature subject matter it contends with (murder). Whether these are aspects of the game worked in for creep factor or for the anime I cannot say, being unfamiliar with the game, either way, it's intriguing. As a note to parents, Persona 4: The Anime contains some profanity, violence, and adult situations, it's rated TV-14 for violence. I wholeheartedly recommend this anime to anyone who enjoyed the role playing game, even if you haven't played the game, it's well worth seeing. If you enjoy action anime or deep storytelling then "Persona 4: The Animation" is one series that you shouldn't miss out on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-trd99RpH4 So as we close this chapter on the complete collection, this was a bit of a breath of fresh air for me. Yu Narukami is quite a refreshing character as he doesn't seem to oppose his circumstances. After reviewing the first collection I received alot of email from gamers asking if I could recommend it to them. Although the anime might be enjoyed a bit more after playing the game, I think watching first and playing later is still a good way to go. There are many things that the anime didn't cover, mainly regarding the Social Links. Fans of the video game won't be disappointed with this anime adaptation. The menus are very nice, with full audio and some nice eye candy for the backgrounds. The anime doesn't get much into the terminology though. It doesn't explain very well what the Wild Card is, or how Yu can summon new Personas. Still, the presentation is nice, and it comes recommended.  | Shakugan no Shana: Movie – Review Jan 10th 2013, 00:02   Based on the legendary light novel series that sold over 5.6 million copies, Shakugan no Shana goes to the big screens. Shakugan no Shana: The Movie – At long last! FUNimation continues their releases of stellar material as Sakai Yuuji is a regular high school student. On his way home, he encounters a monster that sucks up human life. On the brink of his death, a girl called a “flame haze” appears and saves him. Sakai then finds truth in his life and reality around him. An alternative retelling of the original “Shakugan no Shana” first chapter. If you are a fan of the series, you don’t need me to tell you that the movie follows the very same plot with the series's first arc with very little modifications. So why bother watching the film then? he movie provides more emphasis to the background and small details than the anime and employed broader views, emphasizing the significance of the situation. The story is certainly fleshed out quite a bit more and the final 15 minutes of the film comprise a surprisingly powerful conclusion (worth the price of the blu-ray on its own), but I would have liked a more original story rather then a highly polished version of one that I’ve already enjoyed. In the end, spectacular visuals, great new music, and well thought out additions to the core story leave you feeling glad to have seen the film. On the other hand, the fact that anything new that was added obviously doesn’t change the events that come later in the series means that established fans will likely leave the experience less than satisfied.  As for the Blu-ray, it’s an older anime series, so I knew the upconvert was not going to showcase great video quality and the fact that it was original created by Universal Geneon, that FUNimation would not be redubbing it, thus not giving it a 5.1 lossless soundtrack. So, for those who have high hopes for this movie to look or sound incredible on Blu-ray, don’t have too high of hopes because it’s not all that great when it comes to PQ or AQ. The mix itself is not as aggressive as some of the Hollywood blockbusters, or even other anime productions, but it works. Last of all, let me say that if you’ve never seen the first season of Shakugan no Shana, then you are in for a real treat with this movie. It is beautifully animated and takes you on a whirlwind ride from start to finish. All around good stuff here, gentlemen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHz6ryZdlLc In the end, spectacular visuals, great new music, and well thought out additions to the core story leave you feeling glad to have seen the film. On the other hand, the fact that anything new that was added obviously doesn’t change the events that come later in the series means that established fans will likely leave the experience less than satisfied. For those anime fans (like myself) that don’t mind the recycling of material, Shana is right down your alley. There is nothing that redeems the series except that it offers a lot of mindless fun. The film is a great companion piece to the series. | Cosplay Corner Episode #78: Lutetium Jan 9th 2013, 00:04  Lutetium is a beautiful, quirky cosplayer who also doubles as a biomedical scientist, freelance model, aspiring burlesque dancer and full-time geek appreciator! Her goal? Well, she is aiming to bring Sexy into Science and the Science into Sexy. She specializes in geeky pin up and high fashion, but has dabbled in everything from art nudes to fetish. Read below for the full interview… How does someone like yourself get into fetish, nude, cosplay, and general modelling? Most people only specialize in one form but you seem to juggle multiple. What is your secret? Lu: Firstly, become friends with people with cameras, or persuade your current friends to purchase cameras! No really, surround yourself with people who share your interests and with whom you can collaborate with. Support is very important, especially when you are starting out. Even after several years of modelling I still spend 99% of my time doing unpaid shoots and 'jamming' with people. It's about loving what you do. Secret? No secrets. I just really like expanding my portfolio. I have a little obsession with trying to become the 'Renaissance man' – where one is well rounded and have many areas of expertise. Plus, I never know what I'm going to like unless I try it right? Most of the time I just go with the flow. As long as it doesn't impact on my morals and ethics I'll all ears, and limbs and other body parts.  Do your tattoos play an important part in the overall aesthetic of your costumes? Lu: Not really is the short answer. But I think it's important to have your chosen costume and your personality really mesh. So in a way being a fan of strong tough characters and having some somewhat 'badass' ink can help bring me and my characters together. Except for Fan Dancing Slavegirl. She just likes the aesthetics I think, I don't know, you'll have to ask her. Some of your costumes are well known why others I have a hard time putting my finger on them. What contributing factors go into a particular photoshoot/costume choice? Lu: Above all else, I must really like and enjoy the show the character is from. It's always a little disappointing when talking to a person in costume about the show in question and they don't know it all that well so you can't share jokes with them. In jokes MUST be had, without a question. Other considerations like body shape and facial features needs to go into it as well. The perfectionist in me likes to keep the portrayal true to the character – or true to my interpretation. I just want everything to be pretty. Is cosplay a major focus in your many hats you wear at the moment? Do you plan on attending any conventions next year? Lu: Costuming is not a major hat unfortunately; I usually wear my Jayne hat. But most of all I wear my science hat, being a molecular biologist with a research background I spend most of my time trying to get experiments to work OR as I am doing now, hunting down jobs in a very competitive employment climate. Right now, I'm doing free work after my contract has ended. It's actually really great being in the lab – but being paid for it would be good. Pay = money for costumes. As for conventions I'll usually try to attend all the Sydney ones, and selected Melbourne conventions. I'm all about the sci-fi, so as long as they are bring out good sci-fi guests which contribute to my need to get DVDs signed I'll be there!  A few years ago you proclaimed that numerous negative reactions by people forced your hand to allow modelling to take a backseat to your professional studies. How has this decision progressed and do you have a different outlook on how people perceive you? Lu: Wow, that was a long while ago! It was really difficult dealing with some of the things that were coming up because I'm naturally loaded with empathy and sometimes it's not that healthy taking people to heart. I used to be upset for weeks and months over the things I was hearing. But now I'm back in the scene so to speak, because apparently people who have a negative effect on my life have no place being there. I also realized I can't help what other think. As long as I'm happy with what I'm producing I'm doing no wrongs. I really love doing modelling and meeting the contributing individuals who are passionate about their art. The enthusiasm is really quite contagious so I just couldn't keep away. Right now, I'm doing any paid shoots that come along, and collaborating with friends. Basically just doing what I enjoy. Do you have any favorite Asian films or Anime? Lu: I don't really watch many of the above genres. I do however enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged and Spirited Away had a good healthy dose of the whimsy that I enjoy. Slave girl is a costume not many women can pull off successfully. Has your nude modelling given you the confidence to portray bolder costume choices? Or were you a person who never struggled with confidence issues? Lu: It's funny actually; I'm not the most confidant person ever, far FAR from it. I consistently look over shoots and deem many 'unpublishable' because either my face looks retarded, I'm not sucking in my tummy enough or there's a lack of any rounded girly features (I really don't like overuse of Photoshop so that's out). But in the context of modelling in person, I'm always rather relaxed, as models eventually get – because you see so many boobs backstage and in the change rooms that it becomes normal and subjected to immature jokes. So in a way the modelling helps. But as with all things there will be some hatin' from somewhere. In the end I just remember that my friends and fans enjoy what I'm doing and that I enjoy what I'm doing.  How is the cosplay community is Australia? Have you seen it become weaker or stronger in the past couple years? Lu: The cosplay community in Australia is amazing and getting better every year. There's a large group of dedicated costumers who have been consistently produce phenomenal work every year – and then there are the surprising new comers who are contributing immediately to increase the calibre of the costuming community. It's really fantastic to see the overall growth in both quantity and quality. I'm convinced that we are rivalling the costuming community in US and Europe. It may notseem like it but we need to remember that Australia is not as densely populated and for the amount of people we have on our little rock we are doing smashingly. For those that don’t know much about the subject, what special set of skills and preparation goes into an effective fetish shoot? Lu: It's like with any other type of modelling really. Flexibility is always very beneficial, in attitude and in limbs. It needs to be approached in a certain way. I find it very beneficial to approach it in a fun crazy way – which usually ends up in some fun photos and sword fighting with things not designed for such purposes… Lastly, what can we expect to see from you throughout 2013? Lu: MY CUSTOM MANDALORIAN! I'm really excited about this project, it's already underway and I can't wait to finish it off so I can troop with the Sandhawk Clan of the Mandalorian Mercs. It'll be the most involved costume I've ever put together since I'll be hammering my own metal armour. Squee! But in other news I'll be putting together a River Tam as well. Depends what else tickles my fancy really. I do have new projects which will see me taking to the stage with geeky aerial and burlesque routines! Stay tuned and keep flying! ^__^  Want to stay current on all of her latest adventures? Follow her cookie crumb trail below: http://www.facebook.com/LutetiumKittyToxin http://kittytoxin.deviantart.com/ Photography Credits: Kris Ezergailis - http://whatabigcamera.com/ Robin Orlic - http://robin-orlic.com/ Kris Ezergailis - http://whatabigcamera.com/ Zaneth Simpson - http://z3d5.tumblr.com/ Peter Coulson - http://www.koukei.com.au/ | Tokyo Story – Review Jan 9th 2013, 00:02   Hailed as Yasujiro Ozu's masterpiece, Tokyo Story is a stylized exploration of the erosion of family values and tradition in 1950's Japan. With expert cinematography and minimalist dialogue, Tokyo story will reward any audience that makes an effort to understand and appreciate it. The film is based on a simple premise: elderly parents travel from a small village to visit their estranged, now adult, offspring who live busy lives in Tokyo. During their visit, Shukichi and Tomi Hirayama, confront the fact that they have become incompatible with the urban lifestyles of their successful children. Tokyo story can be heart wrenching as the old couple slowly realize that the older generation is irrelevant and unwanted in a disappointing, modern Japan. Excellent direction and quality acting set a perfect tone throughout Tokyo Story. The themes of the film are offset by bizarre exchanges between characters: conversation is polite and lines are delivered with sugary smiles. Beneath this veneer, the elderly couple are deeply hurt by their children's behavior as they realize they are no longer welcome. Tokyo Story documents the transitional period between early 20th century Japan and modern Tokyo and Ozu constantly underlines the superficiality of relationships within the Hirayama family. The film warns about the dangers of a departure from traditional Japanese life for modernity. It is interesting to see how the core attitudes of the younger generation have changed, however they still live and act, publicly at least, in a traditional way. One particular scene captures all of this: from a distance a doting Tomi is enjoying the company of her grandchild in the sun. However, upon closer inspection, Tomi is struggling to make a connection with the disinterested child, as she wonders aloud about her place in his future. In a similar fashion, as the Hirayama family goes through the motions with their elderly parents, all appears well. With more consideration, it becomes clear that there is neither a place nor desire for an older generation in the emerging modern Tokyo.  The grandparents' relationship with their widowed daughter-in-law, who also lives in Tokyo, provides further insight into the lifestyle of the rest of the Hirayama family and is another comment on Japanese modernity. Noriko's husband died whilst serving in the Japanese military. She lives alone and has to borrow food, drink and cutlery to entertain Tomi and Shukichi. Despite her lonely and humble living conditions, she seems more at peace than her in laws, who waste their abundant food and constantly argue with their children. Ozu uses Noriko's character to point out the importance of selfless living for a cause greater than yourself to attain fulfillment. However, ultimately we see that Noriko takes this mantra too far as she is wracked by guilt and suppresses the hopes she has for herself: it is important to find a balance between selflessness and selfishness. Tokyo story is a film about contrast and balance: between urban and rural, old and young, different visions of family values, and different paths to happiness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oyi83XRYNA Tokyo Story is a highly stylized, but subtle and slow paced watch. In scenes, characters' movements are distinct and deliberate. The low angles and unmoving camera further contribute a unique and uneasy tone. Character's dialogue and mannerisms create a stiff, traditional atmosphere that sits uneasily with the rejection of Shukichi and Tomi Hirayama by their family. Also: listen for the use of background noise to add depth and punctuation to scenes. Repetitive noise is used throughout to increase tension and mark the passage of time. Tokyo Story is a thought provoking movie, which will reward those who watch it with an open and interested mind. However, its slow pacing and traditional style is not for everyone.  | Creative Spotlight: Episode #190 – Goil Amornvivat Jan 8th 2013, 00:04  Goil Amornvivat is as intelligent as he is friendly. It is my great pleasure to present TUG Studio this week and share insight into the world of design. Goil is a talented designer with a Masters Degree in Architecture from Yale, as does his partner in crime, Thomas Morbitzer, who makes up the other half of Tug Studio. Located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, TUG has been recognized with numerous awards, published in international design press, and have completed projects throughout the United States. Oh, and you might recognize Goil from Bravo’s hit reality series Top Design and TLC’s Trading Spaces. Read below for the full interview… We have interviewed a few professionals who have studied at architecture school, but was curious to ask you if you believe that students decide to become specialists because of the competitive market and because they try to get a better job? Goil: A great mentor told me once that the journey we embark on should be thought of as a "career path" rather than a series of "jobs". I teach and I also see this in my students; the most successful ones naturally gravitate towards their passions. This gives them the extra strength to forge ahead when times are hard and also the extra edge to shine when times are great. Regardless of the market, if you do what you love and well, the right people will always find you.  What is the best part of being involved with shows like “Top Design” and “Trading Spaces”? Goil: The best part is the FUN! In a show like TS and TD, I met a lot of amazing people, both on and off the screen. I also learned a LOT, these type shows are pressure cookers. It is one thing to be able to design, but to design under the pressure of impossible scope, time frame, resources, and cameras really throws a person into action. I learned so much about what goes on behind the scenes, and how it can be put together in an episode and series. With so many design shows on television and students and professional choosing designing as a profession, do you think this reflects a new or different type of public interest in the discipline or a particular concern regarding the quality of life in the New York area? Goil: I believe there has always been an interest in design. But many people may have hesitated to take the step to do it professionally. Design, can be like a gated neighborhood- it’s visibly evident by looking at most of top designers in America they seem to be from a similar demographic. These TV shows have the ability to broadcast directly into people's living room. It’s a different kind of public space. This has made design (good and bad) more accessible to people. Since I have been on these shows, it has amazing to see many unusual “suspects” become interested in the field. Things are changing, and I am hopeful as I see the new crops of diverse students in the classes I teach. Everyone deserves good design and for those interested, a chance to know that they are invited into the dialogue. As a teacher at New York School of Interior Design, how are you guiding students in today’s world. Do you try to instill most of your lessons with an emphasis on a functioning aspect or an aesthetic aspect? Goil: Well, I feel like design is such a BIG field and I really encourage my student to find their own voice. Of course both function and aesthetics are important, but knowing who they are and finding their voice in design is also important. It would be bad to train students to be decorating robots: “deco-bots”!  An academic education provides you with architectural thinking whereas an education you get from an office familiarizes you with the problems and issues in the profession. Which route would give a young professional the biggest advantage? Goil: You need both. I also would add that I also learned a great deal from being on TV and through teaching. I guess just being involved; being curious and taking risks has it’s advantages. You describe your style as “problem-solving”. How have you developed your particular style over the years? Goil: Well this has to do with my educational background. Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture was an amazing place for me because our teachers taught us to believe that design has a higher purpose and is meaningful. Through our work, we can serve people and enrich lives. Being a "problem-solver" for us implies that we must learn to "listen" in many different ways to the needs of the project, clients, and the potential of the site. As my work shifted more toward "design", I feel like this ideology naturally transitioned. Do you have any favorite Asian films? Goil: Yes! of course. I still love Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, the (original) Ring and (what I believe, the predecessor to the Hunger Games) Battle Royale.  Tug Studio is a venture that you co-founded many years ago. What does Tug Studio represent as a brand and how has it evolved over the years? Goil: We are a can-do-firm. We believe in good thinking and good design. It is serious work, but we have fun doing it and try to make it fun for our clients, too. In terms of our evolution, we are growing and going through a metamorphosis. We are launching the next version of TUG next year. Stay tuned! Doing a start up with a friend can be a risky endeavor. Many things such as conflict of interest, egos, or even money can sour a relationship. What makes your partnership with Thomas Morbitzer so successful? Goil: Well, Tom is a great guy and you can never go wrong with that. Frodo would never have gotten to the top of Mount Doom without Samwise Gamgee, they went together. So a good hearted personality and a loyal friend can really go a long way. We also both have some roots in the midwest US and with it, our Midwesterner “can-do” attitude. We met in graduate school, 13 years ago and graduated in the same class. We went to work in the same office. (Robert AM Stern) We are two people who had and extensive time with the similar experiences and had a lot of time to test the relationship. Also between us it has always been about design, the best ideas win, it's not about ego. A beginning interior designer shouldn’t expect to have the most glamorous job. True or false? What advice would you give to a creative just starting out? Goil: I think this depends on where the person is coming from, too- to one person an ID office may seem really exciting and glamorous, to another, not so much. Just graduating from a school, or just starting out, there are a lot of adjustments one has to go through and a LOT to learn on the job. I believe the trick is look at what you do regardless of how "unglamorous", as a part of a larger piece of a personal career puzzle. I remember a wise friend told me during my first job, that your first office job is about making professional contacts. It's a small field and you if you have a long career your paths will cross again. So be open and cultivate strong relationships.  To stay on top of Goil & Tom’s designs and ventures, please visit their official site below: http://www.goilandtom.com/ http://statigr.am/tbitzer/ http://pinterest.com/TUGSTUDIO/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tug-Studio/146881065369082/ https://twitter.com/tugstudio/ | X-Cross – Review Jan 8th 2013, 00:02   I decided to watch X-Cross after picking it up at my local entertainment exchange for just £2. Some may have seen this as a warning; not just the measly price but director Kenta Fukasaku is also been responsible for Yoyo Girl Cop and Battle Royale II. Now sure Battle Royale did have pretty enormous shoes to fill, but the ending was so unpleasant that when I watch the film now (like, never) I turn it off before the 'Kenta' ending and pretend it never happened. Besides this misdemeanour I still had faith in Kenta Fukasaku and I'm glad I did as X-Cross wasn't as awful as either of its predecessors, anything precarious was instantly redeemed through utter hilarity. X-Cross is about two girls, Shiyori and Aiko, who decide to go to a spa after Shiyori has broken up with her boyfriend; typical 'girlie weekend' crap that always ends badly in horror movies. Anyway, it turns out that they arrive at this creepy village in which the villagers basically amputate girls' legs for some sort of crazy ancient tradition, leaving the two friends to work together through the use of their mobile phones to escape the village. As absolutely daft as that sounds (and I don't disagree that the entire film is a little juvenile) there is more to the story and it's actually relatively captivating.  When making awful films which may one day become cult classics, there's that one thing that seems like it might perhaps improve said film; disorder the chronology of the scenes. I have a massive problem with jumbling scenes. Basically, if it's not essential then don't do it because it will confuse me and then I'll give you a bad review. Weirdly though, X-Cross manages to pull it off with its "two-sides-to-every-story" approach. The beginning was a little unfathomable but during the latter half I was all 'Ohh, I get it!" But even when I didn't really know what was going on, I didn't really care as I was kept amused by a peculiar and seemingly immortal witch-girl/Lolita running around after the girls, attempting to inflict her massive scissors onto their limbs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LBFpq6YChM X-Cross really isn't as bad as it sounds, above everything it is fantastically entertaining but definitely more of a black comedy, I don't know who labelled it a horror but they were mistaken. I did find myself rolling my eyes at some of the stupidity I was exposed to; things like crippled men running faster than some of the cars and fighting better than me after a few drinks, the medical inaccuracies (a tendon on the outside of your muscle, anyone?) At one point Aiko fends off the villagers by flashing her camera at them so that they get confused and stop chasing her, as if they were kittens or something? Some of the acting is pretty poor, especially the douche-bag boyfriend whose character makes little-to-no sense at the best of times. I'm really not selling this movie very well am I? Do me a favour; watch it and tell me what you think. I'm genuinely interested.  | Due West: Our Sex Journey – Review Jan 7th 2013, 00:04   A nice surprise indeed. And to think this is from Mark Wu, the rotter behind last year’s horrendous Lan Kwai Fong. The broader end of the humor and product placement aside, Due West’s more than acceptable and Gregory Wong’s turn as Jing is a Waititian treat. Follows the sexual curiousity and awakening of young Frankie as he travels to China looking for love and lust. Of course, in the film, all reference to Dongguan has been excised, because there are no hookers in Dongguan. Just ask China. So the adaptation is a bit wonky but Due West: Our Sex Journey takes the idea of adaptation a little too literally. I probably won’t go into the detail naming each actresses who bare their parts, but it must be admitted that the quality on display then films in the same vein of previous efforts. The film's nauseating sexual politics are underlined in the overextended final act, when Frankie finally gets his rocks off with Juliet (Eva Li), the perfectly-formed, up-for-anything hooker with a heart of gold that he screws with such finesse, she foregoes her profession and falls madly in love with him. Li's blank stare, huge bosoms and utter submissiveness sum up the production's version of the ideal woman.  Due West: Our Sex Journey is probably as good as it gets, so don’t expect these movies to be handed out ‘A’ grades. Frankie is in a stable relationship with Zeta after graduating. Their only problem is their sex life: Zeta is sexually anxious and sets certain restrictions. Not only does that prevent Frankie from being sexually satisfied, it also indirectly leads to their breakup. Frankie then begins his journey back to the mainland with Jing to pick up chicks in clubs. It can grow a bit tiresome watching the escapades on the screen. If you can get past the tiresome formula there are some good plot devices sprinkled throughout which makes the end result a humorous soft porn, which is far more pleasant to watch than the disastrous 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5MCp9HQv2M As I have stated numerous times in this review, after the failures of “Sex and Zen 3D” and to a larger extent “Lan Kwai Fong”, both of which have fallen down the path of being cheap and sleazy without any substance, Due West holds up surprisingly well. Still, Masquerading as one virginal man's search for a life in which sex and love coexist in perfect harmony, Wu's slim, occasionally pitiful adaptation of the online novel about adventures in Dongguan's red-light district is little more than a steady stream of pretty actresses embodying the worst fears of the protagonist, Frankie (a broad but not entirely unlikable Justin Cheung). Wallowing in its depressingly outmoded depictions of gender with coarse smugness, Due West's painting of women as being entirely at the service of male fulfillment is just plain awful. Let’s just split this down the middle and call it a day, shall we?  | [WTS] YetiShare.com - File Hosting Script Jan 12th 2013, 22:39 Hi all, This PHP5 site script enables you to setup and manage a file hosting website. It comes with a full admin area for managing the site, a modern multi-file upload interface, user registration & members area, premium upgrades via PayPal, easy advert integration and much more. See www.yetishare.com for full details. Upload Files: Multi-file uploader with progress. NEW! Percentage progress, size remaining, upload speed and time remaining. (support browsers only) Drag & Drop into the browser to begin uploading. (Firefox & Chrome) Copy all files to the clipboard link. Uploads are assigned a short url to the download. Premium account upgrade option via PayPal, managed automatically. NEW! Support for multiple file servers. File information page with the following: Full path to the image. HTML code to directly copy into a website. Forum code to directly copy into a forum. Link to statistics for the file. Link to remove the file. Links to share with common social media sites; Facebook, Twitter etc. Link to share via email. User Registration: User registration & members area. Users can create an account and manage all their files in one place. Account Types: Free User: Has to wait for file download. Attempts to get user to register on the site. (configurable) Download speed restricted to 15kbps. (configurable) Inactive downloads are only kept for 60 days. (configurable) Maximum upload filesize of 100MB. (configurable) Paid User: No wait for downloads. (configurable) No restrictions on the download speed. (configurable) Inactive downloads are kept for as long as they have a paid account (configurable) Maximum upload filesize of 1GB. (configurable) Admin User: As with the paid user but has access to the admin area. Statistics: File statistics: Daily, weekly, monthly downloads. Referring sites. Visiting countries. Visiting browsers. Visiting operating systems. Security: IP blacklisting - block IP addresses from using the site. File type blacklisting - ban certain types of files from being uploaded. Spam protection - Set minimum time between submissions. Spam protection - Set maximum files a user can upload per day. Report file pages. Support for https. Externally tested for XXS and SQL injection attacks. Social Network Sharing: Social networking icons to share uploaded files on Twitter, Facebook, Email & more. Translations: Multiple language support. Manage any text content on the site via the admin area. Translation admin tools so the site can be used in most languages. Translation debugging tools. Earn Money: Charge for account upgrades. Fully integrated with PayPals automated IPN functionality. Easy Ads - Use the admin interface to easily integrate your banner ads or Google Adsense code. Admin Area: Admin area: Dashboard detailing downloads and active files. Search files. Disable files. Manage users and filter by user files. Manage blocked IPs. Manage site settings. Set and manage file servers. Configure to use specific file server or the one with most space. Set template. Set paid account rates, period and currency. Amend account expiry date. Set PayPal email address for site payments. Set free/paid user account settings: File download speed. Days to keep inactive files. Maximum upload filesize. Delay time on download. Option to set the filename on the download url. Option to use a different file url than the main site. Set banner ad/advert code. Modern Ajax interface. Customisations: Written for PHP5.2+. 100% full source code. Easy installation. Fully customisable. Modern template. (easily customise and create additional ones) Simple, clean, ajax style look and feel. Site: www.yetishare.com Demo: www.fhscript.com Admin Demo: www.fhscript.com/admin/ user: admin, pass: password Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Thanks, Adam. | Shared Hosting Special: 5GB Disk, 15GB BW for $1/month! Jan 12th 2013, 22:38 Shared Hosting Special: 5GB Disk, 15GB BW for $1 per month! You'd think we've gone mad with this offer! Shared Web Hosting accounts with massive allowances are now available for a limited time from $1 per month! Get all the trimmings including; - Unlimited FTP Accounts! - Unlimited Email Accounts! - Unlimited SQL Databases! - Unlimited Subdomains! - Unlimited Parked Domains! - Unlimited Addon Domains! Plans: ====== Ruby - 5GB Disk - 15GB Monthly Bandwidth - $1.00 per month or $10.00 per year [Sign-up Now] Sapphire - 10GB Disk - 30GB Monthly Bandwidth - $2.00 per month or $20.00 per year [Sign-up Now] Diamond - 20GB Disk - 60GB Monthly Bandwidth - $3.00 per month or $30.00 per year [Sign-up Now] Features: ========= - Control Panel: cPanel w/CloudFlare - Fantastico software installer - Servers are located in Atlanta, GA, U.S - No Set-up Fees - No minimum terms - pay month to month - Payments by Paypal or Credit Card available Visit our website | Cheap & Reliable Linux SSD Virtual Servers - TUN/TAP/IP Tabels/1GBit/Raid10/SSH Acces Jan 12th 2013, 22:32 AJKservers is now introduscing SSD based Virtual Private Servers usinG OpenVZ technology. Main SSD nodes are connected with 1GBPS port. AJKservers is one of the very 1st server solutions company that provides users their choice of OS, control panels and other licensing add-ons with both ipv4 and ipv6 technology. Our high quality Virtual Private Servers are located in both UK and USA datacenters, give users more choices regarding server location. All of our VPS servers come with full root access allowing you to create a hosting environment that is tailored to your requirements. We Accept All Major Credit Cards, Paypal, Payza (Alertpay), Moneybookers (Skrill) and Liberty Reserve as payment methods for our VPS and dedicated servers orders. They are equipped with quad core processors and RAID10 storage arrays for performance and redundancy. You can rest assured your data is secure and equipped to travel uninterrupted across our network! [] 24/7/365 Around the Clock Support [] Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers [] 99.9% Uptime Guarantee [] Free Backup Storage within the VPS control Panel. [] Instant Free Remote Reboots within the VPS control Panel. [] Instant Free OS reloads within the VPS control panel. [] Instant Shutdown/power on your VPS server within the control panel. [] Raid-10 protected hard drives. This means Zero down time in case of hardware failures. [] 100Mbps & 1Gbps premium bandwidth speeds. [] No Contracts and No Setup Fees [] Upgrade or Downgrade Anytime [] IPv4 & IPv6 technology! [] FULL Root Access +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 Gig (1000Mbit) Internet Port
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- Useful for work (so can be easily sent via email/promoted)
What do i get?- Website script
- PSD for logo
- Help from me on how to use/change things
- .com domain
Where can i take this? Limit is your imagination.. this can be a separate entity (very easy to market via social networking sites), or it could be an addon to an existing website/forum etc. For example easily to place revenue sources such as google ads on.. $12 special offer.. with premium well key worded .com domain Special price.. wont be around long at that price so first come first served! | Integrating VidFetch with my current website Jan 12th 2013, 22:26 I am currently stuck on getting vidfetch to work with my current website. I am trying to make the code work with my current website. This is how far i got and i do not know what is wrong with it. the java appelt loads up but thats even before i click download it whould load up once i have hit download then it would generate the links for me. but it dosnt do that it loads the java applet uses credit on vidfetch and nothing else. Here is the code i modifed to "work" with my site. php Code: <?phprequire_once "maincore.php";require_once THEMES ."templates/header.php";$url = $_POST['url'];$siteURL = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/';$bookmarklet = 'javascript:document.location.href=\'' . $siteURL . '?url=\'+escape(document.location.href)';function getApplet ($jarFile, $className, $params = array(), $width=1, $height=1, $name='japplet') { $retVal = ""; $useApplet = 0; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (stristr($user_agent, "konqueror") || stristr($user_agent, "macintosh") || stristr($user_agent, "opera")) { $useApplet = 1; $retVal = sprintf('<applet name="%s" id="%s" archive="%s" code="%s" width="%s" height="%s" MAYSCRIPT >', $name, $name, $jarFile, $className, $width, $height); } else { if (strstr($user_agent, "MSIE")) { $retVal = sprintf('<object name="%s" id="%s" classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" style="border-width:0;" codebase="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/autodl/jinstall-1_4_1-windows-i586.cab#version=1,4,1" width= "%s" height= "%s">', $name, $name, $width, $height); } else { $retVal = sprintf('<object name="%s" id="%s" type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1" width= "%s" height= "%s">', $name, $name, $width, $height); } $params['archive'] = $jarFile; $params['code'] = $className; $params['mayscript'] = 'true'; $params['scriptable'] = 'true'; $params['name'] = $name; } foreach ($params as $var => $val) { $retVal .= sprintf('<param name="%s" value="%s">', $var, $val); } $retVal .= 'It appears you do not have Java installed or it is disabled on your system.<br /> Please download it <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava/" class="link" target="_blank">here</a>'; if ($useApplet == 1) { $retVal .= '</applet>'; } else { $retVal .= '</object>'; } return $retVal;}opentable ("Download");echo"$url";if (!empty($url)) {echo " <script type='text/javascript'>
loaderVisible = true; VFResult = ''; VFProxy = ''; VFThumbnail = ''; function vidfetchSearching() { $('#japplet').width(1); $('#japplet').height(1); $('#vidfetchSearching').show(); } function vidfetchAppend(type,name,index,title) { if(loaderVisible) { $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchLinks').show(); loaderVisible = false; } name = name.replace('Download','Download'); // does name have extension else append it if(name.indexOf(type) < 0) { name += '('+type+')'; } var proxyLink = VFProxy+index+'/'+title+'.'+type.toLowerCase(); $('.vtitle').html(title); if(VFThumbnail.length > 0) { $('.vimage img').attr('src',VFThumbnail); $('.vimage').show(); } if(type == 'MP3') { $('#vidfetchLinks ul.audio').append('<li class='type'+type+''><a href=''+proxyLink+''><span>'+name+'</span></a></li>'); } else { $('#vidfetchLinks ul.video').append('<li class='type'+type+''><a href=''+proxyLink+''><span>'+name+'</span></a></li>'); } } function vidfetchDone() { if(!loaderVisible) { // set thumbnail
return; } $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchError').show(); } function vidfetchProxy(url) { } function vidfetchError() { $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchError').show(); } </script>
<div id='vidfetchSearching' style='display:none;'> <center> <img src='assets/loader.gif'> </center> </div>
<div id='vidfetchLinks' style='display:none;'> <div class='productHeadingType4'> <div class='vtitle'></div> <div class='vimage' style='diaplay:none;'><img src=''></div> <div class='cfloat1'><div class='cfloat2'> <ul class='audio'></ul> </div></div> <div class='clear'></div> <div class='previewWarning'>When downloading please do not close/exit this page.</div> </div> </div> <div id='vidfetchLoader'> <center>"; echo getApplet ('http://vidfetch.com/java/VidFetchApplet.signed.jar', 'VidFetchApplet.class', array('url' => $url, 'userAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 100, 100); echo " </center> </div> Please make sure you selected yes when prompted for '<b>Always trust content from the publisher</b>'.</span> </div>";} echo " <form action='' method='GET' name='download' id='download'> <input type='text' name='url' value='$url'> <a href='#' onclick='document.forms['download'].submit();'> <span>Download Now</span> </a> </form> <div id='java-required'> Please make sure you have java installed.Select Allow when prompted. </div>
</div> </div>
</div>";closetable ();require_once THEMES ."templates/footer.php";?> Here is the Original File - Code:
<?php/* * ***************************************************************************** * * ****************************************************************************** * Website: http://www.vidfetch.com * * Copyright: (c) 20011 - Baseapp Systems * * ****************************************************************************** * VERION HISTORY: * * v0.4 [15.3.2011] - Rewrite for VidFetch * v0.3 [22.3.2010] - Rewrite * v0.2 [5.3.2010] - Added Exception Handling * v0.1 [15.11.2009] - Initial Version * * ****************************************************************************** * DESCRIPTION: * * NOTE: See www.vidfetch.com for the most recent version of this script * and its usage. * * ****************************************************************************** */ $siteURL = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/'; $bookmarklet = 'javascript:document.location.href=\'' . $siteURL . '?url=\'+escape(document.location.href)'; function getApplet($jarFile, $className, $params = array(), $width=1, $height=1, $name='japplet') { $retVal = ""; $useApplet = 0; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (stristr($user_agent, "konqueror") || stristr($user_agent, "macintosh") || stristr($user_agent, "opera")) { $useApplet = 1; $retVal = sprintf('<applet name="%s" id="%s" archive="%s" code="%s" width="%s" height="%s" MAYSCRIPT >', $name, $name, $jarFile, $className, $width, $height); } else { if (strstr($user_agent, "MSIE")) { $retVal = sprintf('<object name="%s" id="%s" classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" style="border-width:0;" codebase="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/autodl/jinstall-1_4_1-windows-i586.cab#version=1,4,1" width= "%s" height= "%s">', $name, $name, $width, $height); } else { $retVal = sprintf('<object name="%s" id="%s" type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1" width= "%s" height= "%s">', $name, $name, $width, $height); } $params['archive'] = $jarFile; $params['code'] = $className; $params['mayscript'] = 'true'; $params['scriptable'] = 'true'; $params['name'] = $name; } foreach ($params as $var => $val) { $retVal .= sprintf('<param name="%s" value="%s">', $var, $val); } $retVal .= 'It appears you do not have Java installed or it is disabled on your system.<br /> Please download it <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava/" class="link" target="_blank">here</a>'; if ($useApplet == 1) { $retVal .= '</applet>'; } else { $retVal .= '</object>'; } return $retVal; } if (isset($_GET['url']) && !empty($_GET['url'])) { if (strstr($_GET['url'], 'http')) { $url = $_GET['url']; } else { $error = "Invalid url please enter valid video url."; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Your Site Title</title> <meta name="description" content="Download and Convert videos directly from Youtube, Google, Metacafe and more. Simply copy and paste." /> <meta name="keywords" content="freevid, keep, vid, keep vid, download, direct, help, rip, copy, convert , youtube to mo3 , save, video, stream, youtube, yuotube, toutube, uoutube, houtube" /> <!-- Framework CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"> <!--[if lt IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/ie.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"><![endif]--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/theme.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div class="container"> <a href="?"> <div id="logo"> <strong>Your</strong> Site Name </div> </a> <div id="bookmark"> <a href=""> <img src="assets/bookmark.gif" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="content-upper"> <div id="content-upper-top"> <div class="container"> </div> </div> <div id="content-upper-bottom"> <div class="container"> <h1>Download and Convert Videos Instantly !!!</h1> <p> Just paste the URL of the video in the form below , press the Download button and see the magic happen. For making the process faster use our book marklet next time. </p> <?php if (!empty($url)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> loaderVisible = true; VFResult = ""; VFProxy = ""; VFThumbnail = ""; function vidfetchSearching() { $('#japplet').width(1); $('#japplet').height(1); $('#vidfetchSearching').show(); } function vidfetchAppend(type,name,index,title) { if(loaderVisible) { $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchLinks').show(); loaderVisible = false; } name = name.replace("Low Quality","Low Quality"); name = name.replace("Medium Quality","Medium Quality"); name = name.replace("High Quality","High Quality"); // does name have extension else append it if(name.indexOf(type) < 0) { name += "("+type+")"; } var proxyLink = VFProxy+index+"/"+title+"."+type.toLowerCase(); $('.vtitle').html(title); if(VFThumbnail.length > 0) { $('.vimage img').attr('src',VFThumbnail); $('.vimage').show(); } if(type == 'MP3' || type == 'AAC') { $('#vidfetchLinks ul.audio').append('<li class="type'+type+'"><a href="'+proxyLink+'"><span>'+name+'</span></a></li>'); } else { $('#vidfetchLinks ul.video').append('<li class="type'+type+'"><a href="'+proxyLink+'"><span>'+name+'</span></a></li>'); } } function vidfetchDone() { if(!loaderVisible) { // set thumbnail return; } $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchError').show(); } function vidfetchProxy(url) { } function vidfetchError() { $('#vidfetchSearching').hide(); $('#vidfetchError').show(); } </script> <div id="vidfetchSearching" style="display:none;"> <center> <img src="assets/loader.gif"> </center> </div> <div id="vidfetchLinks" style="display:none;"> <div class="productHeadingType4"> <div class="vtitle"></div> <div class="vimage" style="diaplay:none;"><img src=""></div> <div class="cfloat1"><div class="cfloat2"> <ul class="video"></ul> <ul class="audio"></ul> </div></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="previewWarning">When downloading please do not close/exit this page.</div> </div> </div> <div id="vidfetchLoader"> <center> <?php echo getApplet('http://vidfetch.com/java/VidFetchApplet.signed.jar', 'VidFetchApplet.class', array('url' => $url, 'userAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 100, 100); ?> </center> </div> <div id="vidfetchError" style="display:none;"> <span style="color: rgb(204, 51, 51);"><b>No Videos found or site not supported.</b><br /> Please make sure you selected yes when prompted for '<b>Always trust content from the publisher</b>'.</span> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($error) && !empty($error)) { ?> <center><span class="invalidUrl"><?php echo $error; ?> </span></center><br/> <?php } ?> <div id="download-form"> <form action="" method="GET" id="download"> <input type="text" name="url" value="<?= isset($url) ? $url : 'Enter Video URL ...'; ?>" onclick="if(this.value == 'Enter Video URL ...')this.value='';"> <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['download'].submit();"> <span>Download Now</span> </a> </form> </div> <div id="java-required"> Please make sure you have java installed.Select Allow when prompted. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content-lower"> <div class="container"> <ul class="features"> <li> <h3>Lots of Formats </h3> <p>All the popular formats for like FLV , AVI , Mp4 , Mp3 , AAC are supported. </p> <li> <li> <h3>No Waiting !!!</h3> <p>Instantly download and convert videos no waiting , no setups or anything.</p> </li> <li> <h3>Lots of Sites</h3> <p>We support over 100+ sites for Video downloading and are constantly growing.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fader"> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div id="footer-links"> <!-- Do not remove powered by link if you are a free user of vidfetch --> Powered By <a href="http://vidfetch.com">VidFetch</a> , © Your Site </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> </div> </body> </html> Thanks | [WTS] ServNode.com-Unmetered 100 Mbps/1 Gbps Dedicated Servers from $24.99/mo (NL,FR) Jan 12th 2013, 22:22 Our Website: http://www.servnode.com Who are we? 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