Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA - Episode 8 Aug 30th 2013, 18:00  When Illya recovers her memory during the fight with Assasin, she suffers shock, and grows hesistant to talk to anyone, even Miyu. Now that Illya truly understands the cost and meaning of being a magical girl, she feels terrified and after deep consideration she goes to speak with Rin.
| Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen - Episode 9 - Tale 9 Aug 30th 2013, 05:00  Middle school Jun 'who wound the key' still lies trapped in the N-Field with Kanaria where time passes slowly, while Shinku prepares for her final night with university Jun 'who did not wind the key' as the stage production of Practica Dolls begins. The empty clock strikes and Kirakisho magically appears in the vessel of Jun's "very own doll" he had been working on.
| Naruto Shippuden Season 12 - Episode 328 - Kurama Aug 29th 2013, 11:00  For years, Naruto was the target of Nine Tails' undying hatred. But their time together has made Nine Tails understand Naruto more than anyone. As Naruto continues to try and free Four Tails from Madara's control, Nine Tails begins to undergo a change.
| Naruto Shippuden Season 12 - Episode 327 - Nine Tails Aug 29th 2013, 10:30  Naruto finds himself inside Four Tails' inner world, where he promises to free Four Tails from Madara's control. Listening in on their conversation, Nine Tails recalls all the time he has spent sealed inside Naruto.
| Behind the Smoke - Dai Yoshihara Formula Drift 2011/2012 Season - Episode 77 - Behind The Smoke 3 - Ep19 - Wheel Give-Away & America's Tire Store Visit Aug 26th 2013, 20:31  Daijiro Yoshihara stops by his local Discount Tires/America's Tire to get his new wheels and tires installed on his BRZ. While there Dai learns about the process and shows off his own line of wheels. Don't forget to watch all the way through so you can enter to win a set of DY-12C wheels. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe. Music: "Cheerful Lighthearted Pop-Rock" by Akashic Records "New Benny" by Vassili Gemini Available at Jamendo.com Behind the Smoke Season 3 (BTS3) is a web reality series about 2011 Formula Drift Champion Daijiro Yoshihara. The cameras capture Dai and his team on and off the tracks. BTS3 is produced by GTChannel in association with Discount Tire/America's Tire. GTChannel is a CAR.VIDEO.NETWORK on YouTube with over 15 Million monthly views and 100 partner channels. Go to our http://www.youtube.com/gtchannel channel to check out our videos and partner channels.
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