Since the 1500′s, man has been searching for the answer to eternal youth and beauty. People have resorted to witches or voodoo queens and dermatologists have come out with skin serums but nothing seems to satisfy the public. Writer, Lillian Lee brought us the short story Dumplings, putting a modern twist on the demand for eternal youth for the film Three Extremes. Fruit Chan directed both the short film and the full length feature and both are fantastic. Showing us brilliant writing, acting and cinematography, Dumplings deservedly won awards for all of the above.
Ms. Li is a middle-aged, former tv star and your regular woman with normal problems. Her successful husband is beginning to look at younger women but she blames herself. She doesn’t feel like her old self and doesn’t look like her either. She had been hearing women all over Hong Kong speaking of a woman named Mei who makes special dumplings that, apparently, make you years younger inside and out. Li (Miriam Yeung Chin Wah) has more than enough money to spend and is desperate to get her tongue on those dumplings, so she finds out how to get in contact with her without hesitation. “Aunt Mei”, played by Bai Ling (The Crow) is immediately charming. She sits Li at a small table while she works her magic in the closed-off kitchen to eventually reveal the most amazing dumplings she had ever tasted. Within a day, she already begins to feel more youthful… but she wants more. The power she feels in the dumplings is intoxicating and she begins leading herself down an obsessive and destructive path.

I will not give anything away specifically, but what is inside the dumplings is what brings up a most interesting discussion topic because it is not as foreign as you’d think it should be. The closest example would have to be the cultural taboo of Placentophagy, which is rising in popularity in means of natural rejuvenation, much like the dumplings in the film. There are controversial subjects all throughout the movie and while it may not be for the squeamish, there’s no doubt that the dialogue between Li and Mei will get your brain ticking. It’s a great story that builds and explodes with plenty of gore, sex and feminine power. What’s not to love?
There are not enough reasons to watch this amazing film, but half of those reasons could also be why you shouldn’t watch it. Many people were repelled by it’s overly graphic displays as well as with one of it’s main topics. If you are uncomfortable with subjects such as abortion than you should not watch this film. As for everyone else, I highly recommend Dumplings. It is an intelligent and twisted look at humanity that shouldn’t be missed.

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