Photo Kano - Episode 6 - These Feelings are Vastly... May 16th 2013, 17:00  Kazuya and Haruka are able to kiss and make up, but Kazuya isn't in the clear yet. With the school festival coming up, the Photography Club's Miss Photogenic Gallery is right around the corner! How will Haruka react to a gallery on her?
| Majestic Prince - Episode 7 - Stronghold of Lust May 16th 2013, 15:00  The Wulgaru are preparing to retaliate after losing one of their bases while the GDF prepares to launch an attack of their own. Meanwhile, Izuru's pit crew tries to give him a little taste of what it's like to have a family.
| Hiiro No Kakera [Season 1] Complete Collection – Review May 16th 2013, 00:04   Every girl dreams of being an enchanted princess, but how many stop to think about all the grim and horrible things that happen in fairy tales? That’s a lesson Tamaki learns all too graphically when she’s attacked on the way to her grandmother’s house by creatures she thought only existed in myths! Fortunately, she’s rescued by an extraordinary young man: one who’s not only part demon; but her future classmate as well, and one of the protectors that Tamaki will need if she’s going to fulfill her destiny as a Tamayori princess. A destiny that no one’s bothered to tell her she’s inherited until now! However, lets consider that this is in part, a reverse harem series for girls. The characters themselves are not badly done. But it does follow very predictable story arcs. She is pretty transparent in who she likes from the first episode, which is similar to traditional harem anime on the boys side too. The romance side plays on it’s tip toes which is similar to regular harem. This is a very underwhelming series. It should have not been given a full season run let alone a season two. But if you haven’t seen better then I’m sure this series is anime gold. It might not have been professionally made and not everything they do will move you. In fact, some conversations struck me as boring and out-of-topic. The female protagonist doesn't even carry romantic attachments to the males around her. The romantic element is needed in every good anime so viewers have a relation to the character that they recognize in their daily lives. If there isn't one you need a bloody gory action packed show like Hellsing.  Honestly, to me it seems like none of the characters have any real personality, they are just too flat and dull in my opinion. I don't particularly like any character nor do i feel excitement when they “fight”. Also, they seem to contradict themselves WAY TOO MUCH (if you watch it you'll know what I mean) and it gets annoying after a while. And if it wasn’t bad enough to learn that every plan she’s had for the future has to change, to top it all off, Tamaki still has to start attending a new high school as well! The new girl in school will have to learn how to deal with some very, very old school-type problems in a hurry in Hiiro no Kakera. I loved the short segment at the end of each episode where you spend a private moment with one of the characters. I thought that was so cool and a nice touch. The art work of the characters and scenery is lovely, The music, especially the opening themes, is beautiful! But, I believe I’ve said that already. Must be the lack of good things to talk about! This series gave me nothing but frustration. Usually cliched characters deliver something, but the guys didn’t even play their romantic parts. They were just sullen and ornery, except when they’d occasionally bat their eyes. We didn’t learn anything about their characters. Normally each harem guy has a back story? They skipped all that. There is nothing new or unique in this anime that hasn’t been used before. I thought that maybe it was just the way too slow pace they set for the show but no… it really doesn’t get any better it’s completely boring. In spite of the poor pacing of this series, the characters are endearing, the setting is lush, and the plot, while not entirely unique, is a strong one. This anime is mainly aimed at fans of the game.  | After School Midnighters – Review May 16th 2013, 00:02   This is a surprisingly good film. Despite the mediocre quality of the visual animation it didn’t affect the entertainment value of the movie not so much. Initially my biggest fear was seeing this cartoon sourcing or stealing ideas from all other existing cartoon films as I noticed some of the creatures had characteristics ‘borrowed’ from the Madagascar Penguins, Powerpuff Girls and so forth. Fortunately, it had enough ideas, interesting elements and sense of humor (which was sometimes very lame in my opinion) to sustain itself. At the elite St. Claire's Elementary School it's day 1 of term, with a whole lot of new students entering through the gates for the first time ever. Among them are Mako, Mi and Mu, three little girls who wander through the vast corridors of the school – though "wander" may not so aptly describe their doings. Mako, to be sure, is zooming and bouncing about with seemingly inexhaustible energy and in complete over-excitement about the life she is about to start, while Mi, proudly of rich descent, is inspecting the hallway decor (Greek marble) only to find it doesn't quite measure up to her standards. And then there is Mu, whose face we can barely discern behind that curtain of long, dark hair and bangs, her sharp, hidden eye fixed on that insect that's whizzing about, golden fly swatter poised for attack. Near the old Science Room Blabbermouth, Little-Miss-Luxuries and Geek Girl run into each other and are warned by builders not to enter the place – words that of course have zero effect on three curious kids. In they sneak and stumble across a human anatomical model, soon taking him apart and beautifying him, Renaissance-style.  It is a commendable effort from an unknown anime production house. The major flaw that I see is that the progression of the plot is not clean cut. Never mind the visual quality as of course I don’t expect a film such as this to be of the same standard with blockbuster Disney/Pixar cartoons. But I feel the animators had squeezed in too many big actions at a very fast pace – even the dialogues got mixed up and confusing for the audience at times. As a matter in fact, the whole movie looked like a very messy party. Whether this was the intention or otherwise, I feel they had slightly ignored the importance to keep things a little less messy, and allow more focus on the plot that matters, which would have made this movie easier to follow and hence more memorable. There are also some definite adults-only jokes, including a strategically placed (and shaped) elephant drawing and a scene that involves an umbrella grabbing some balls that would have never survived in a USAmerican animation. A straightforward and simple story it may tell, yet by getting its characters right and taking care to serve up some amusing details and a good mix of – uncensored – humour and intelligence, Hōkago Middonaitāzu turns out to be more than just a fun ride for the kids and has its heart in the right place with some of the subtler messages it contains.  | |
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