DEVIL SURVIVOR 2 THE ANIMATION - Episode 4 - Monday of Upheaval - III Apr 25th 2013, 18:05  In Osaka, Hibiki struggles with his inability to save Keita from perishing in battle. Meanwhile, with Osaka's spiritual defenses down, an ultra-powerful enemy named Merak has manifested and is making short work of all who would oppose it. Hibiki is placed on standby but races off, intent on protecting the others from harm. But his actions will have unforeseen consequences as Io is ordered into the fray, and Hibiki comes face-to-face with Ronaldo, an en enigmatic figure from JP's past.
| Photo Kano - Episode 3 - Profusion of Flowers Apr 25th 2013, 17:00  Kazuya is getting to know the girls around school. He learns of Aki's surprising past and helps her "naughty" side blossom. When the Photography Club commences Operation: Haruka Niimi, he must put flirting aside to protect an old friend!
| Majestic Prince - Episode 4 - Loss Apr 25th 2013, 15:00  Izuru shows true comradeship with his willingness to sacrifice himself to protect both Tamaki and Kei. But is self-sacrifice truly the right choice to make? Tensions grow taut as the pilots and crew brew over their last skirmish.
| The ABCs of Death – Review Apr 25th 2013, 00:04   Prepare yourself for this cinematic horror collection rollercoaster, stocked full of fun, adventure and possibly an upset tummy. The ABC's of Death will put you at the edge of your seat pondering what each letter will stand for. Its definitely a new way to learn your ABC's, and only for horror fans with thick skin, and a colorful sense of humor. Two hours and three minutes of twenty six horror shorts, individually created by directors all across the globe. Unlike the television series "1,000 Ways to Die", this film gives a very artistic point of view for the audience to laugh, gasp, roll their eyes and maybe even scream. Filled with beautiful and cheap cinematography, along with other creative aspects ranging from animation, claymation, to live action. The directors were free to capture the imagination however they pleased, even if it meant being extremely graphic. This bittersweet compilation of horror, gore, action and comedy is a horror buffs dream come true, but don't be discouraged if you're a beginner in the horror genre. Nightmares, and daytime terrors certainly don't discriminate. And for you Asian horror movie lovers, don't fret, the producers got the best.  Banjong Pisanthanakun, director of Shutter and Alone, was given the letter N. Timo Tjahjanto who did a segment in V/H/S/2 was given the letter L. Yudai Yamaguchi, director of Meatball Machine, got the letter J. Noboru Iguchi, director of Machine Girl and Tomie : Unlimited welcomed the letter F. And last, but not least, the great Yoshihiro Nishimura, director of Vampire Girl V.S Frankenstein Girl, but better known for his make up effects in a whopping seventy-five movie titles, including six Sion Sono films, got the letter Z. Now lets get to the nitty-gritty and break down the genres. Letters F, H, J, K, T, W, Y and Z were acid trips gone horribly wrong. X, R, P, M, L and I are more on the gorier side that will make your skin crawl. Q and N were comedy hits. V and S had the best action scenes. U, B and A show off the better sides of horror. O and D are the most artistic, and bring back the delight of the silent film era. G, E and C unfortunately seemed to flop and fill in space, but this is for the audience to decide whether they're a hit and miss. This movie is best enjoyed in the wee hours of the night with your pals, or significant other, and a bucket of popcorn is most important; any hearty foods will certainly make one's stomach churn by the letter L. If you are ready to go above, and beyond WTF, The ABC's of Death is where it’s at.  | One Piece Film Z – Review Apr 25th 2013, 00:02   This is a fairly easy film to review. Ask yourself…do you enjoy One Piece? If you do, see it. As Shonen Jump anime films go, this is a perfectly acceptable little anime film. If something is popular enough, you’ll inevitably find a movie version or spin off of it. More often than not, it’s because some executive is trying to make a quick buck by using the name value to bring people in to see whatever movie they’re selling. While every now and then you’ll find a diamond in the rough or a true gem, most of the time the movies feel forced, rushed, or unfaithful to the original material and the quality tends to suffer as a consequence. If a manga is popular enough, you can almost be sure there’ll be an animated or live action movie of it. This movie as an entirety was built around the Marine lore and back story. The story had lots of explanation regarding the principle themes of the Marines and some characters were basically used strictly just for the sole purpose of providing exposition. Some points of the movie are confusing as well. This film is about Z, a character who we officially not allowed to ‘know’ yet, I think that’s the reason why it lacks of many things to make a good movie. They’re not allowed to be spoiled and it’s an unknown event, that’s why it’s hard to make. To fit the plot in a movie length time span, it was surprisingly well done. This was one huge gripes that I had with Oda’s previous project, Strong World was a bit of a let down. With Film Z, I feel that he understood what it took to make a movie that retains the breathtaking aura of One Piece series, and he delivered it. I’d be surprised if this movie doesn’t win major awards in Japan, it surely deserves the Best Animated Japanese Film Awards. Perhaps it should even be nominated in Oscar Awards Best Picture because this movie just nailed it.  If you didn’t hear, Avril Lavigne does provide the main title. If you watched the trailers, you know that two tracks of Avril Lavigne would be played in the movie but you won’t hear that until the credit rolls. First half was “How You Remind Me” and then “Bad Reputation” played after that. The original soundtrack was brilliant. It was different while at the same time maintaining that One Piece feel we all love; high tension to melancholy themes that played throughout different scenes. Character Z, also known as Zephyr had such deep story to him and if you love backstories of various characters in One Piece, you’ll definitely love Z’s. As for our lovable characters, the Straw Hats each got their turns to shine in this movie, however the stronger and prominent fighters such as the Monster Trio(Luffy, Zoro and Sanji) had their own individual opponent to fight. Franky was the next in line after the Monster Trio. Usopp also had good action scenes, but not quite on the same level. Nami and Robin at times were used for fan-service until the climactic battle at the end. Chopper was funnier than ever before, but not entirely important to the story. Brook didn’t do a lot in terms of getting into battles, but he had his comedic moments just like Chopper. The skills of animators in this movie is really great, in combination with the fan-service I rate it above average and a good step in the right direction for this series’ future.  | |
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