* Orochimaru's pupils get liberated with hatred and resentment and sent down to the world of living to have their revenge. Tayuya may not like being compared to other reanimated souls, but the fight will continue to bring down Neji, Choji, Kiba and Akamaru. Will Ino and Shino be able to reach to their friends' souls and pull then back? The title of this
Naruto Shippuden 305 is "The Vengeful". See us in
Naruto forum to share your opinions and predictions. You can also
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Both Shino and Ino work hard to communicate with chakras of the lost souls of Kiba, Akamaru, Neji, and Choji. Shino is exhausted, but he realizes that the hope in saving his friends will die if he gives up. They need to buy more time to find the location of the barrier. Once barrier is located they should be able to pull their souls back against the might of the Underworld Transfer Jutsu.
Shikaku gets connected with Naruto to explain to him that he is too much of a military asset to the entire Allied Shinobi Force to have him search for lost souls. Naruto disagrees of course, but the chief strategist orders him to identify the enemy by sensing their chakras.

In the barrier, the Sound Ninja Four make smug remarks egging their opponents to another fight. Their newly established immortality makes them cocky and reckless.
Kiba swirls with Akamaru in the Fang over Fang and Kidomaru counters them with garage of arrows. Neji sees this and stops all arrows with his 8 Trigram Air Palm and Fang over Fang continues only to be stopped by Jirobo's monster. Kidomaru fires another arrow directed at Neji, but Choji is there to shield it.

Tayuya's gorgeous flute playing fills the barrier and Choji and Neji get attacked with her monsters from above. One of these monsters has a way of eating up one's chakra and Tayuya quickly directs this thing at Choji. Sakon is ready to lure Choji into one of his three
Rash?mon gates, but Shikamaru is ready to save his buddy with Shadow Pull Jutsu. The effect was as Shika calculated. The door on one of the gates slammed to the weak foundation below it so hard it cracked and consequently all three gates crumbled like a house of cards.
Shikamaru started attacking the fools only this time he used words. Making observations like, "last time you underestimated us, could it be that we've improved? Dead don't". Neji didn't much like the aggravations, but Shikamaru continued. "You're nothing but tools of war". Sakon and Ukon however disproved that by saying that they have nothing to do with this war. They're merely acting on their loyalty to Orochimaru.
Scene rolls back to times when Orochimaru chooses them as his puppets to do bidding for him. He enacts a curse mark to bind them and rewards them with even greater Chikara. The vengeful heart will draw out more power within you. When resurrected they will seek revenge on the ones who killed them. Orochimaru's own vengeance seekers lighten up in purple haze while acquiring more power. It became clear that these were reanimated with soul purpose of seeking revenge against our Shikamaru, Neji, Choji and Kiba.

Jirobo attacked Choji with a large log and succeeded in nailing him to the ground. Neji gets trapped with Kidomaru's spider thread and Shikamaru gets hammered by Tayuya's monster. These reanimated creatures grew strength much larger than humans and there is just nothing to stop them. Shikamaru however, isn't ready to give up. His strategy is to help Naruto and his newly found sensory skills to find this barrier based on the menace of these evil creatures.
Shikamaru's intuition was right. Naruto's Rasengan is beating up on the outer walls of this barrier and soon enough his Rasengan faces the four lost souls. "Nothing is born out of vengeance…" Naruto said to himself as he blasted the Sound Ninja Four out of their immortality. The only question remains, what would happen to Neji, Choji, Kiba and his loyal Akamaru, if Naruto didn't sense the evil intent?
Kabuto was slightly disappointed with losing the four vengeance inspired ninjas, but did gather some intel. Who will he deploy now? Whoever it will be is said to make all other "opening acts" meaningless.

Neji's Byakugan suffered considerable damage. He is recovering quickly, but his blind spots make him vulnerable. Hinata promises to cover his blind spots, the way he protected her when her eyes were impaired. The title of next
Naruto Shippuden 306 this Thurdsay March 28th at 3:30 PST is "The Heart's Eye".
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