* "Why don't you join us in hell?" asks Tayuya when Neji, Choji, Shikamaru and Kiba are transported into Kabuto's dark underground. They may have to fight the Sound Ninja Four one more time and find their way back to the battlefield. The title of this
Naruto Shippuden 304 is "The Underworld Transfer Jutsu".
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[GoogleAd]Ever since White Zetsu learned to clone themselves into Allied shinoby, Medical Corps stopped taking any more wounded. That is why, when Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji and Choji got trapped buy transformation jutsu, their bodies were just pilled up on the ground. Hinata came about sobbing when she saw her cousin Neji, but Shino asked her to calm down and see through the bodies using her Byakugan. Hinata sensed a weak chakra and Shino felt a feeble heartbeat. The bodies os Neji and Kiba aren't corpses and that is good news.
Bodies of Shikamaru and Choji are also in the state of suspended animation, making Ino feel hopeless as she tries to power the bodies up with her own chakra. Ino is a Medical Ninjutsu shinobi and calling for a Medical Corp would involve risking that whoever shows up may be a White Zetsu transformed and ready to kill.

Shino is trying to use his insects to devour his own chakra and transfer it to
Kiba, Akamaru and Neji.
Kabuto smiled smugly as he saw four of his opponents lose their souls and have them transfered to the barrier using his Underworld Transfer Jutsu. Once in the barrier, souls get reanimated. Here they are to meet with the immortal Sound Ninja Four once again and word is they cannot escape the barrier. Neji checks into the chakra flow with his Byakugan, while Shikamaru is trying to figure something out.

The Sound Ninja Four attacks. Choji rolls up his Spiky Human Boulder, while Neji attacks the Sakon and Ukon monster. Kidomaru fires an arrow at Choji, but Shikamaru quickly saves him with his shadow jutsu. Kiba with Akamaru handle Tayuya, but all of these reanimated jonin just keep regenerating. To make things worse all Sound Ninja Four signed a joined Summoning Jutsu resulting is Four Corner Beast Formation.
Shikamaru has to think of something quick. Headquarters suggest to Ino, Hinata and Shino to figure outs a way to touch the lost souls with their chakra. This will enable the souls to break through the barrier and come back. The trick is to find the barrier first.
Choji uses his Super Expansion Jutsu to match his size to Jirobo's, but fails to do so as his chakra ran out. Shikamaru warns of Material Ghosts coming out of these three monster's mouths. When touched these Ghosts can devour the enemy. Fighting continues with few wins, when all four realize, there may not be a way out. Their bodies die on the outside, or their souls die on the inside of this transition barrier. Either way, the creepy feeling of death experience lurks nearby.

Orochimaru and other vengeful enemies join forces to get liberated with hatred and resentment. Tayuya may not like being compared to other reanimated souls, but the fight will continue to bring down Neji, Choji, Kiba and Akamaru. Will Ino and Shino be able to reach to their friends' souls and pull then back? The title of this
Naruto Shippuden 305 is "The Vengeful". See us right here on Thursday, March 21st at 3:30AM (PST).
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