AKB0048 - Episode 10 - Miracle of the Waves Mar 10th 2013, 14:30  Plans are made to publish a new photo collection for AKB0048, including understudies as its subjects. Despite their embarrassment, Nagisa and her friends enthusiastically research poses. Among the girls, only Makoto doesn't seem excited.
| AKB0048 - Episode 9 - Emotion Relation Mar 10th 2013, 14:30  Amidst the DES' unexpectedly tight anti-00 security, the girls prepare for their concert on Thundristar. Tsubasa instructs Takamina to stand by, who is still feeling down. While the 77th generation bubbles with excitement, some of the members feel conflicted...
| Vividred Operation - Episode 9 - Clear, With Occasional Frivolity Mar 10th 2013, 14:00  Himawari is scouted to be a model! Due to her friends' excitement, she reluctantly agrees to take part in a photo shoot, instead of touring Mechanotek Corporation's new pilot plant. But only on the condition that Wakaba wait on her hand and foot…
| Hunter x Hunter - Episode 70 - Guts x And x Courage Mar 10th 2013, 04:30  Gon is unable to hold onto Razor's throw and is sent to the outfield. He uses Back to return, but Hisoka is also injured and the situation looks grim. However, Gon has an idea for defeating Razor, but he needs Killua's help to pull it off.
| Little Busters! - Episode 11 - Horror Cool-Down Contest Mar 10th 2013, 02:00  Kyousuke gathers the Little Busters together for a little test of courage. Their mission takes them on a search through the school building while avoiding traps set by Kyousuke, but eventually they sense that an eerie black shadow has been watching their progress...
| Little Busters! - Episode 13 - The Place Where the End Begins Mar 10th 2013, 02:00  Mio has been absent from school for several days, and everyone, even the Little Busters, seems to be gradually forgetting about her. Riki finally spots her in the courtyard again, but he notices an unfamiliar loneliness in her eyes...
| Creative Spotlight: Episode #207 – JP Valderrama Mar 8th 2013, 00:04  JP Valderrama is simply killing it right now. With his 20′s behind him he is looking to make his mark on the art world coming into a new decade. He distinguishes himself from the others with his take on pop culture and comics with impressive dynamism. You can nowadays catch him participating in just about every major art exhibit and quite frankly, the sky is the limit for JP. We sit down and talk about him joining Mondo, his love of Asian films, and his creative process. Read below for the full Q&A… Believe it or not you are one of the few artists I’ve encountered that is really open to doing commission work. What kind of challenges do you encounter meeting the expectations and needs of a client? JP: It really depends on the client. I’ve had really easy projects where the client is happy with whatever output I produce and they pretty much leave all the creative decisions to me. There are a few hard ones where they can’t make up their mind with what they want. I’d rather stop here because it is not a very good experience. Like you, I’ve always been an artist but during my formal years at University I switched over to visual arts. How has web and graphic design helped you in your career as an illustrator? JP: Web and Graphic design has certainly paid the bills while I try to develop my illustration skills. Also, my web background has definitely helped me create a web presence for the Fresh Doodle.  Your Tony Stark piece is pretty incredible, as your official entry into Bottlenecks new gallery. Could you tell us a bit about how this piece challenged you versus your other superhero portraits? JP: To be honest I didn’t put much effort into this piece. As an artist, when you feel good it tends to reflect on your art as well. So as I was working, everything just fell into place and the timing was perfect. BUT there are also bad days, luckily Iron Man didn’t get a taste of it. How were you able to balance your multi-disciplined arsenal without feeling like you were neglecting any of your skill-sets during this period of time five years ago? JP: To keep the balance you’ve got to use all of your skills regularly. Graphic and Web design during the day, and when you get home from work, draw. I suppose you are mostly famous for your semi-realistic portraits combined with great textures. How did you come to develop this style and claim it as your niche approach to the arts? JP: I’ve always been a fan of Russ Mills (byroglyphics) and used his works as an inspiration to develop my technique. So far two out of thousands say that my work looked liked his and I completely ripped off his style. I actually took those as a compliment because his work is so awesome and if you put my work against his side by side, you can tell that there’s an influence but I’ve pretty much molded a style of my own.  This also, isn’t your first rodeo, as you’ve been apart of other exhibits like at the Light Grey Art Lab. How do you mentally prepare for a group exhibit? Do you feel any initial pressure showing your work among talented artists? JP: I’ve gone past the fear or pressure of having my work out with the best. I’ve been showing my work in community sites like Deviant Art, Shadowness etc., and this is where you actually see the best of the best in the world. Instead of getting intimated, I actually use it as inspiration to get better. Worked really well for me as I’ve gained a fan base and attract new ones everyday. And as for preparing for exhibits, always go for what you think is best because it defines your work and vision, it also brings out the best in you. What are some of your favorite Asian films? JP: Asian films? Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer! Oh, and Asian Horror movies! Gotta love those!  So going back to your superhero work, like Spiderman, etc. I also notice you’ve done pieces for TV like Boardwalk Empire and Movies like Planet Terror. Is it a necessity for you to be a fan of these shows in order to generate great and interesting art, or will an interesting character suffice? JP: I believe being a fan of the show helps big time! it gives you a better vision of what to create! I bet you’re familiar with Mondo at this point and they seem to be recruiting artists everyday. Would you ever be interested in joining their stable of artists? If so, which films’ posters would you like to recreate? JP: OF COURSE! Whatever the theme is, I will create! Lastly, the age-old advice question. Can you offer up any unique feedback for any struggling creatives out there? JP: From the words of the Fresh Doodle, “Practice + Patience + Commitment = Success story”. The secret formula where every word works perfectly with every word. First hand experience right here. =)  Want to stay up to date on all things Doodle-icious? Follow his cookie crumb trail below: http://www.freshdoodle.com – website http://thefreshdoodle.deviantart.com – deviant art http://www.shadowness.com/thefreshdoodle – shadowness http://freshdoodle.tumblr.com – tumblr http://www.facebook.com/freshdoodle – facebook http://www.twitter.com/freshdoodle – twitter | Deadball – Review Mar 8th 2013, 00:02   Baseball prodigy, Jubeh Yakyu (played by Yudai Yamaguchi's regular Tak Sakaguchi) is the most feared juvenile delinquent in all of Japan. I decided to review this film with the recent announcement of Tak’s retirement. Deadball starts with the main character being goaded by his father. He wants him to throw his fastball without holding back. After rocketing himself into the clouds by some imaginary force of will, he pitches it to his father whose response is disbelief. Then horror. As his father is dying from the impact of the un-catchable ball, our anti-hero promises never to pitch again. While some specious narrative did continue, however poorly, my concentration didn’t. So, these insane Japanese gore films are extremely hit and miss, and Deadball is one of these disgustingly extreme, mentally deranged and incomprehensibly preposterous Japanese gore films; only this time it centers itself around baseball. Deadball is an unofficial follow-up to the director's earlier film, Battlefield Baseball. I'd imagine that this will go down especially well with fans of Battlefield Baseball, of course, but there's every chance that other folks may find this a lot more entertaining than I did, especially if you're a bigger fan of this particular brand of humor. Deadball, for example, is a micro-budgeted comedy/horror that purposely defies all logic and sense of realism from start to finish in order to cram in as much deranged splat-stick nonsense as possible, including such mind-boggling strangeness as elbow-deep rectal cavity searches, Loony Tunes-style cartoon violence, vomit eating, a pair of cute Idol singers named Poo-poo, the rough removal of one poor guy’s testicles, Jûbei thrusting his hand so far inside a villain’s head that his fingers emerge from the nostrils and poke out the eyes (!!!), and an armored steam-punk Nazi cyborg wearing a metal skirt that reveals his skinny human legs.  I wanted to like Deadball, especially after having been surprised by just how appealing Yakuza Weapon is. Coming from the same creative team, with the same star and director, and with the added attraction of a psychotic sports based storyline, and with Nazis no less, I figured that Deadball would be even better. The shorter run time also hinted at a tighter narrative, and faster paced gags and mayhem. Unfortunately, Deadball turns out to be barely a patch on Yakuza Weapon, despite the better production values, and an even zanier sense of humor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZFAOP3AgPw Only leading man Tak Sakaguchi has a part worthy of any kind of appraisal, with everyone else stuck in one-note roles that—for the most part—are too reliant on goofy performances. Sakaguchi, on the other hand, makes a decent stab at playing the antihero, with a sardonic tone and appearance that personifies the term “effortlessly cool.” It really sucks that he is retiring. I guess the difference is in that Yakuza Weapon is adapted from an existing manga property, while from what I can see Deadball is an original creation. The balance is not quite there. This film just needed to be structured differently.  | Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla – Review Mar 7th 2013, 00:05   Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla is kind of the black sheep of the Heisei series because it's by far the worst. It's not horrible but it is kind of a blemish on what was a really great film series. You know what's weird too this was actually the 40th anniversary of the Godzilla series it did come out in 1994 after all, but Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2 claims to be the anniversary movie. Also Space Godzilla seriously is a stupid name. I think the monster itself is really cool but Space Godzilla is so silly and unimaginative as a name I can't take it seriously. The scfi explanation for the birth of Godzilla is really odd, there are two! One involves Mothra from two films previous taking Godzilla cells into space and the other involves Biolante. But… and this may be nerdy… but the events of Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (the time travel creating a new timeline beginning just after the events of world war 2) would mean Biolante never existed in this timeline because if you remember Biolante was created form the cells of Godzilla in the 80's but you see there was no Godzilla because he was erased form history. See I told you it was nerdy. Why did they feel they needed two explanations for Space Godzilla existing? It highlights the sloppy script. If Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla 2 embraced the feel of the original series in a good way this film took the feel in a poor underdeveloped way. They wanted it to emulate the off the wall scfi atmosphere but it doesn't work. All together the film features Moguera, Space Godzilla, the son of Godzilla and Godzilla. Originally Mecha Godzilla was supposed to in the film but was scraped for budget reasons and it's unfortunate because Moguera is a terrible replacement. He looks bad like a kid's toy someone only half designed then got bored and stopped. As a plus SG looks fantastic as does Godzilla and the two are interesting adversaries because they are nearly evenly matched. In fact SG is possibly even stronger the Godzilla because of his awesome back spikes. Baby G has a lot to do in this film too and has a subplot with my lady Megumi Odaka who makes her fifth appearance playing the same character something completely unheard of.  This movie doesn't work, I want to like it but it's just not very good outside the monster battles. The characters besides Megumi Odaka are all boring and their motives are all convoluted. The plot doesn't even really start until 45 minutes in. Most of the film has a bunch of uninteresting characters living on an island studying Godzilla. When SG lands finally on earth and Mothra's fairies show up and warn that the earth must rely on Godzilla alone to save everyone. This is one of the problems with this movie I don't think Godzilla would want to help the earth he isn't the superhero from the original series why would he want to help. In fact the Godzilla portrayed in the Heisei series has always been a complete animal how he could even comprehend the situation. The monster we have always seen was a morally ambiguous animal only surviving and destroying by his base instincts and it was a misstep to take the animal in this direction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdn4L6M7Aog The only things that work in this movie are the special effects and the fights between the monsters, Megumi Odaka, and the music. Actually there is this scene where the scientists are eating some amazing looking food. So that just made me hungry. Other than that this movie is not very good and it is unfortunate the Heisei Godzilla series tripped up here because all the other ones fit so well together as a whole. It's worth watching but you'll probably forget you even saw it other than what I already mentioned. Oh well the next one brings us to the finale of the Heisei series and one of the most iconic moments in pop culture history. Best Moment of Destruction: Godzilla gouges out the eyes of Space Godzilla and burns him to death. Pretty gruesome.  | Sushi Girl – Review Mar 7th 2013, 00:02   Sushi Girl was a pleasant surprise. I had attended a viewing with the assumption that this would be a movie filled with snuff-film horror violence, but what was presented to the audience was an engaging story that was part detective story, comedy, action,drama, and thriller, with a dab of love story woven into the mix. As the film opens, we are introduced to Fish (Noah Hathaway) who has spent six years in prison due to a robbery that went horribly wrong. But Fish is no snitch. He kept his mouth shut did his time like a man. Now, freed from his imprisonment, Fish is invited to a Sushi restaurant, where those involved with the robbery have reunited including Crow, Francis and Duke (Tony Todd). The five men sit around a table with a naked body of a beautiful woman covered in a lavish meal of various Sushi and it becomes clear that after six years there are still scores to settle and the location as to the heist diamonds remains a dangerous lurking question. The sushi girl seems catatonic, trained to ignore everything in the room, even if things become dangerous. Sure enough, the four unwieldy thieves can’t help but open old wounds in an attempt to find their missing loot. The film keeps a strong pace throughout, and though you’re sure you know what’s coming, you can’t wait for it’s triumphant arrival. Sometimes filmmakers get a little carried away with this type of film. Sushi Girl does not fall victim to that, the makers knew their vision and brought it to life perfectly. Danny Trejo, Michael Biehn, and Jeff Fahey share a brief cameo scene that plays out like a Rodriguez Grindhouse reunion, although Fahey and Biehn are sadly underutilized in this movie. Sonny Chiba also makes a brief appearance.  As for its technical merits, it was pure, unadulterated and without compromise. There was no fat on the bone. All red meat. Every shot presented in the picture had purpose and I could find no flaw. Couldn’t tell you the last time I watched the same movie more than once in a day. If you liked “Reservoir Dogs”, you will love “Sushi Girl”. It wasn’t a movie created to rake in Oscars. It was made to entertain. IT actually all takes place at Tony Todd’s Japanese Restaurant, so expect a lot of Tarantino style dialog. Throw in a couple of nail biting torture scenes and Mexican Style stand Off ending and you have the movie that Tarantino easily could have directed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWQDSN7UjHU It’s off the beaten track and is a nice mix of grisly black humor, unpleasant violence and dark mystery. A bit too contrived and theatrical, maybe, and perhaps a little too eager to be seen as a future cult item by design rather than default, yet certainly worth a look if a sub-Tarantino fix is what you’re in the fish market for. The script should have been more polished with more engaging dialogue and situations. The editing was at times to frenetic, giving talking scenes an unnecessarily jumpy quality more reserved for action sequences. STILL….it is worth the price of admission, the rental fee or the bandwidth on your download.  | Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Remembrance - Psychedelic Afternoon Mar 6th 2013, 14:31  Seiji is tormented by horrible tsunami-flashback dreams, but one night he wakes up and his beloved grandfather has appeared. With a strum of his grandfather's guitar, Seiji is transported to a colorful, slightly strange, psychedelic world and finally manages to have a good dream.
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