Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 7 - Proclamation Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  With the other players too afraid to move and the clock winding down, Kaiji's group seems trapped. Their only option is to go along with Funai, the man who swindled Kaiji at the start, and his plan to shuffle everyone's cards so that everyone starts from a clean slate.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 18 - Trifled Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  With his sense of hearing on the line, Kaiji becomes more and more panicked as Tonegawa begins to read him like a book. Can he survive E-Card with his hearing intact, or is Tonegawa simply too experienced to outwit?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 5 - Deadly Decision Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji is caught off guard when he realizes too late that another player, Kitami, has been buying "Paper" cards to counter Kaiji's "Rocks". With time running out, and Kitami about to retire from the game, can Kaiji find a way to escape defeat?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 9 - Resurrection Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Furuhata and Andou's true colors emerge as they leave Kaiji to rot with the other losers, sentencing him to a fate worse than death. As a fellow prisoner mocks his doom, Kaiji frantically searches for a way to escape…
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 6 - Rise and Fall Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  After soundly defeating Kitami, Kaiji weasels his way into getting their pool of "Paper" cards as well. Now with 30 Rocks, 34 Papers and 5 Scissors, Kaiji's team has a huge deck to draw on. But can they use it to get the stars they need to escape the ship?
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 17 - Pointless Pounding Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji's devious plan leaves the Bog's Forest of Pins in ruins, and a frantic Ichijou turns on the same automatic block that stopped Sakazaki. With no hope for victory, why does Kaiji continue to fruitlessly pound on the blockade?!
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 3 - Game Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji, his old friend Furuhata and newcomer Andou band together to try and conquer the Espoir with the power of teamwork. Kaiji devises a strategy for victory, but when Andou makes a move on his own, will Kaiji cast him aside?
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 15 - All an Act Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Of all the potential accomplices, Kaiji brings on the merciless loan shark from Teiai, Endou! Along with Sakazaki, the three plan to mount a final assault on the Bog and win the jackpot!
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 19 - Limit Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Even with the overwhelming advantage of playing Emperor, Kaiji is to scared to risk more than the minimum bet of one millimeter. But with his paralyzing fear of Tonegawa turn into an unexpected benefit?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 10 - Messenger Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Four months after the Espoir, Kaiji is working part-time at a convenience store, barely able to even pay off the interest on his massive debt. Things only get worse when the store owner starts suspecting him of stealing.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 14 - Dying Spirit Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  As the desperate group of men begin plummeting off the beams to their deaths, Kaiji screams for Tonegawa to cut the power to the elecrified iron beams. But when his pleas are ignored, can he muster the courage to press forward?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 11 - Revelry Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Stepping foot into the Starside Hotel, Kaiji is greeted with a familiar face from the ship of hope. He once again falls into the world of bizzare gambles, this time as a contestant in what the hotel bills as a "Human Derby."
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 12 - Degradation Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji and 11 other men are forced into a footrace across a narrow beam high off the ground. But with no way to pass the person in front of him, will Kaiji give into the temptation to push him off?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 13 - Monster Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  With the Human Derby over, Kaiji and the rest of the contestants are led to another set of beams so high above the surface, they can see nothing but darkness below. Now, the real race begins.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 16 - Fury Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Cheated out of his prize on a technicality, Kaiji is given one last chance to make some money before leaving the Starside Hotel - a psychological battle with Tonegawa himself, "E-Card."
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 17 - Adversity Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Tonegawa continuously presses Kaiji, questioning him, trying to get inside his head. Meanwhile, Kaiji is wracking his brain trying to decide the perfect moment to strike, badly needing to survive his turn playing the Slave with minimal losses.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 8 - Iron Hammer Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  No one can find the three missing "Scissors" cards for a good reason - someone tried to sneak out of playing by flushing them down the toilet. Now with an odd number of cards, someone in Kaiji's group will have to be the odd man out and fall into the loser's pen...but will the other two come to his rescue?
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 15 - Heavens Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji and his friend Sasahara are the last two men clinging to their lives 74 meters above the ground. Sasahara finally traverses the beam to the window on the other side, but the smiling faces of the rich elite behind the glass have Kaiji confused…and terrified.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 4 - Failure Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Pooling their resources, Kaiji's team begins buying up all the "Rock" cards on the floor. If things go according to plan, they could walk away with enough stars to win the game and have leftovers to sell! But have they tipped their hand too soon?
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 13 - A Clue Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  After his attempt on the Bog fails, Sakazaki takes the last of his money to the track. But when Kaiji has an epiphany on how to defeat the monster machine, can he get there in time to stop Sakazaki from wasting his cash?!
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 21 - Heart's Blood Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  The madness of E-Card continues as Kaiji is now up 11 million yen. Now betting 18 millimeters and risking death or brain damage, Kaiji strives to humiliate Tonegawa and avenge the deaths of his friends.
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 1 - Underground Hell Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Months after amassing a ten million yen debt to the Teiai Group, Kaiji is finally caught and sent to an underground forced labor camp. His only hope of escape is to save up for a one-day pass back to the surface.
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 23 - Heresy Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Unsatisfied with besting the corporate puppet Tonegawa, Kaiji challenges the President of Teiai himself, Hyoudou himself. His brilliant plan to make Teiai pay and walk away with a fortune? A simple tissue box raffle.
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 6 - The Storm Descends Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  After three long, brutal months, Kaiji and his friends finally pay off their debts, and decide to pool their money at the next chinchiro game. With the max bet limit removed, can they win big or will they be bankrupt again?!
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 25 - Tears of Resentment Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Even with the plates filled to the brim with silver balls, Ichijou's secret weapon, the Curtain of Wind, prevents Kaiji from winning. All seems lost when Kaiji runs out of money, until a ray of hope pierces the darkness!
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 19 - Road to a Miracle Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Ichijou is backed into a corner and begins a frantic search for the remote that will activate the Bog's final "impenetrable defence." Will Kaiji lose his shot at the jackpot, or can he sink a ball before Ichijou gets the chance?
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 23 - On Thin Ice Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  With the extreme tilt, the lost balls have clogged up the reject chute, blocking off the losing holes on the first two plates! Yet just when victory seems imminent, Kaiji realizes his fatal mistake!
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 9 - Cheers, and… Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  The Forty-fivers beat Ootsuki at his own game and win a huge windfall! The group entrusts Kaiji with the lot of their winnings, counting on him to go back to the surface and find the money to pay off all their debts!
| Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor - Episode 24 - Conditions Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Hyoudou readily accepts Kaiji's challenge, but after a lifetime of dominating others financially, the twisted President is not satisfied with simply taking Kaiji's money. Instead, he demands something much more valuable…
| Kaiji - Against All Rules - Episode 10 - The Last Gamble Jul 5th 2013, 19:00  Kaiji encounters a man named Sakazaki who entices him with a sure-fire way to win six hundred million yen in one night! The key? A pachinko machine where each ball is worth 4,000 yen…A machine known as the Bog!
| Creative Spotlight: Episode #241 – Joanne Nam Jul 5th 2013, 00:04  Joanne Nam is orginally from Korea and currently lives and works in Los Angeles . She is a illustrator who loves oil painting and fine arts. We had a chance to sit down with Joanne and discuss Asian films…and ART! Read below for the full Q&A… How long have you been working in your medium/ as a painter? How did you become interested in oil painting? Joanne: I have been using oil paints for about a year. Before then, I explored different mediums. I like oil paint the best because it gives me some time and space to think. Oil paint is the perfect medium for someone like me. What is your first memory of creating art? Joanne: When I was young, I really liked the characters from Disney films. I asked my dad to draw them on paper so I can play with them. I had toys too, but I really liked to watch my dad draw. One day, he got annoyed and told me to draw by myself. That was my first memory of creating art. The character I drew was not even close to the original. However, I remember that I played with that paper doll for a long time. After that, I never asked my dad to draw again because I realized I could also do it.  I noticed a lot of the subjects in your work have a somber, maybe even sad, distinctions about them. Why do your paintings reflect such unhappy facial expressions? Joanne: It was because of the subject matter. I like to choose a memory that is mysterious, haunted, lonely, curious, and somehow depressed. I love the mood they creat when I bring them on my canvas. At first I couldn’t tell if the facial distortions were intentional or not. Could you describe a bit about your creative process? Joanne: The world that I wish to create was not a perfect world. I am not a perfect person, therefore my life and my memories were not even close to perfection. The girl in the painting titled "Light" has a distorted facial expression. I hope to make the audience wonder why. I believe it would eventually create mystery.  How do you choose the subject of your painting? Joanne: Until now, most of the subject matter of my paintings were from old memories. When I was young, my house was located in the middle of a forest. It was an isolated place. My parents were always busy so my sister and I had to spent a lot of time together at the house. There are good memories too, but only the depressed memories seemed very attractive to me. What are your goals as an artist, what are you working towards? Joanne: I want to become an artist that people remember.That is what I always keep in mind whenever I work. It helps me to stay fresh and bring me back to my work. What are some of your favorite Asian films? Joanne: I love Asian horror films such as Ju-On(directed by Takashi Shimizu, Japan, ) and Hansel and Gretel(directed by Philsung Lim, Korea). What do you believe is the key element in creating a good oil painting? Is it execution or the ability to manipulate? Joanne: The most important thing that I always look for in paintings is curiosity.  "Mud" occurs when there are no color relationships, temperature relationships, and/or the values are just way off. What advice would you give an amateur oil painter to avoid this particular pitfall? Joanne: I think it is important to know what kind of image they want to create. Mud is certainly a hard subject to paint. However, we should also remember that we do not have to exactly copy the original image. Mud always can be a very interesting subject matter if we mix them with our imagination. What surprises do you have in store for the remainder of 2013? Joanne: I am currently working on a project called "Night out". It is based on the impression I get from living in modern times. I am trying to invoke the mysterious feeling and heart flutters that night gives you on my canvas.  Want to see more of Joanne’s work? Visit her site below: http://shjnam.tumblr.com/ | In the Family – Review Jul 5th 2013, 00:02   In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious six year old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing again. Just as they begin to, Cody’s will reveals that he named his sister as Chip’s guardian. The years of Joey’s acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away from him. In his now solitary home life, Joey searches for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are. Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and closer to his son. This is an original, quietly powerful first movie by Patrick Wang. A true work of art, showing the power of moral justice over legal justice. Having spoken with him myself he told me he had budgeted a little money to be able to deliver the film and to support a festival run, but he didn’t imagine he would be distributing the film myself. His achievement is nothing less then extraordinary. The “issue” is certainly front and center here, but we care about him first and foremost as a person – luckily, since we spend far more time with him than one usually would in a film. There are also unexpected gestures of kindness and concern all through the film, one on the part of a Wise Man who appears from the most unexpected corner and reminds us that, even as Joey struggles for the right to be a father, he remains a tender soul in need of a father figure himself; at different moments, a glass of whiskey and a glass of water, each quietly offered, make it clear that he has found one. The film’s unhurried pace often serves it well – one of the most moving sequences involves methodically taking out a beer and opening it – but there are also moments that are plain slow and others which keep pushing at a point that has already been made or linger overmuch on history. The film overall should have been at least a third shorter. By being as long as it is, the film actually dilutes the very real intensity of its central contemplation of family and its meaning. But these are flaws in an overall excellent film, one which is rarely predictable and often quietly surprising, above all very warm and human all the way through. Its low-key quirkiness, by the way, includes one of the more off-the-wall bits of product placement to be seen in an indie film, one that will delight the handful of fans who know and care who wrote “Wild Thing”. As gracefully integrated as this is, one gets the sense that the director/writer knew the songwriter and wanted, as much as anything else, to help him out; a gesture which sums up the fundamentally loving nature of this entire project.  Wang does an excellent job in humanizing his protagonist, Joey, the well-adjusted Tennessee contractor, who ends up bewildered by the selfish actions of his in-laws, who take his child away from him, without regard to the feelings of a man who has been a good father for six years. We can infer that sister-in-law Eileen’s decision to take Chip away from Joey is based on her disdain for his homosexuality. The prejudice against Joey extends to the community-at-large, manifested by the multitude of attorneys who refuse to take his case. There’s one excellent scene where Joey is referred to an attorney by a friend who turns out to be anything but sympathetic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jZIO1xwt0g ‘In the Family’ ends on a happy note, after Joey offers to restore an old book for kindly retired attorney Paul Hawks. Hawks reminds one of the homespun Judge, Joe Welch, who presided over the Army-McCarthy trials during the 50s; he’s drawn to Joey, and willing to come out of retirement, since he can see this is a decent man who has been wronged. Hawks smartly avoids dealing with the Tenneesse judiciary directly and manages to convince Joey to proffer up an unusual gambit: in exchange for a deposition, Joey is willing to cede the house formerly owned by partner Cody, which he’s been living in, since his in-laws allowed him to stay there, following Cody’s death. As gracefully integrated as this is, one gets the sense that the director/writer knew the songwriter and wanted, as much as anything else, to help him out; a gesture which sums up the fundamentally loving nature of this entire project.  | |
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